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電流探頭| TCP0150




產(chǎn)品特點:電流探頭| TCP0150 電流探頭是根據(jù)法拉第原理設計的用來測量導線中干擾電流信號的磁環(huán),本質上是一個匝數(shù)為1的變壓器。使用電流探頭能夠測量流經(jīng)導線的電流大小。電流探頭分為AC/DC電流探頭以及AC電流探頭。前者可以測量直流以及交流電流的大小,后者只可以測量交流電流的大小。

TCP0150電流探頭| TCP0150的詳細資料:

電流探頭| TCP0150

電流探頭| TCP0150

Features & Benefits

  • Easy-to-Use and Accurate AC/DC Current Measurements
  • Connects Directly to Oscilloscopes with the TekVPI™ Probe Interface
  • DC to 20 MHz Bandwidth
  • 150 ARMS Maximum Current Capability
  • 500 A Peak Pulse Current Capability
  • High Accuracy with Typically Less Than 1% DC Gain Error
  • Accuray Measures Current levels as Low as 5 mA
  • Low Noise and DC Drift
  • Provides Automatic Units Scaling and Readout on the Oscilloscope's Display
  • Remote GPIB/USB Probe Control through the Oscilloscope
  • Split-core Probe Head Construction Allows Easy Connection to Conductors
  • Easy to Degauss and Autozero
  • Setup Controls and Probe Status and Diagnostic Indicators are Provided on Both the Probe Hardware and through an Easy-to-Access Scope UI Display Menu


  • Power Supplies
  • Semiconductor Devices
  • Power Inverters/Converters
  • Electronic Ballasts
  • Industrial/Consumer Electronics
  • Motor Drives
  • Transportation Systems


TCP0150 is a high performance and easy-to-use 150 A AC/DC current probe designed for use and direct connection to the TekVPI™ probe interface. This AC/DC current measurement probe provides 20 MHz of frequency bandwidth with selectable range control for 25 A and 150 A measurement ranges. It also provides low-current measurement capability and accuracy to current levels as low as 5 mA per division – important for achieving broad dynamic current range of high-level and low-level measurement signals.


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滬公網(wǎng)安備 31011402002799號